../barcamp09/ Title: Telling Your Story: Autobiographical Metadata and the Semantic Web
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Title: Telling Your Story: Autobiographical Metadata and the Semantic Web

Mischa Tuffield

IAM Group


Slides can be found online http://mmt.me.uk/slides/iam121009/index.html

Your Digital Persona

Capturing your Digital Persona at Source : Lifelogging

Passive Lifelogging

Active Lifelogging : MyLifeBits (1)

Active Lifelogging : MyLifeBits (2)

Active Lifelogging : MyLifeBits (3)

Active Lifelogging : MyLifeBits (3)

Others active in this space

Lifelogging & Empowerment (1)

Lifelogging & Empowerment (2)

So how does Personal Information fit in with the Semantic Web

The Semantic Web Layercake

The new Semantic Web Layercake!?

Semantic Web / The Web of Data 1/2

Semantic Web / The Web of Data 2/2

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)

Who knows what a URI is?

RDF isn't that bad ...

So what does all of this mean?

Content Negotiation

Knowledge Representation and shared conceptualisations

The Picture 2 Years ago ...

LOD as of 2007

The Picture as of last year ...

LOD as of 2008

The Picture Now

lod cloud

Ontomedia Ontology (1)

Ontomedia Ontology (2)

Yves' Event Ontology

Sources of Information where people are leaving their digital trails' anyway...

Augmenting context with external datasources

Augmenting context with content 1

Augmenting context with content 2

Augmenting context with content 3

Mor Namaan, ZoneTag 1

Mor Namaan, ZoneTag 2

How would you do this?

In order to

FOAF : The Friend-Of-A-Friend Ontology

foaf logo

The FOAF Landscape as per Q1 2009

Foaf blob

Overview (a Steve-ism)

box validator box verify-demo box reverse box forwardt box sameas box private box viewer box foafbuilder box 4store box 4store overview of foaf.qdos.com

Viewer (1): http://foaf.qdos.com/

Viewer (2): http://foaf.qdos.com/find/?q=http://planb.nicecupoftea.org/

How Useful

Builder (1): http://foafbuilder.qdos.com/

Builder (2): http://foafbuilder.qdos.com/

Location Editor

Builder (2): http://foafbuilder.qdos.com/

Advanced Writing

Builder (3): http://foafbuilder.qdos.com/

Geek View

Private foaf.qdos.com http://private.qdos.com/

Private OAuth

Forward Search: http://foaf.qdos.com/forward/

SameAs Search: http://foaf.qdos.com/sameas/

Reverse Search: http://foaf.qdos.com/reverse/

<http://tomheath.com/id/me> a foaf:Person .

    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:homepage <http://nxg.me.uk>, <http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/> ;
    foaf:knows <http://tomheath.com/id/me> ;
    foaf:mbox_sha1sum "0254b43a4c00a8c5eb9093d9820353640ee02786", "14f2d3a469303d0faca13f73064845ddda4d2dbd", 
     "84612b3540a255bb11de3db579e02533ff2631c5", "baa162e14a20b3fafbccbf0fceaa1159a3a042d1",     
     "c9994fd3713561d0d9a468cd30c11a0f3cb3055a", "e6578555a8108ea83ee7f1d60556e63fd83bcc5e" ;
    foaf:name "Norman Gray" .

    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:homepage <http://kmi.open.ac.uk/people/mikele> ;
    foaf:knows <http://tomheath.com/id/me> ;
    foaf:mbox_sha1sum "97ddc048d1a7df5e6fcb8f530777896a395d3dc1" ;
    foaf:name "Michele Pasin" .

    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:homepage <http://www.aelius.com/njh/> ;
    foaf:knows <http://tomheath.com/id/me> ;
    foaf:mbox_sha1sum "3f361af12a473b48852819e3ff9153783149a26a", "a8476e8096db2bde20a734c8446bb3d60befea2b" ;
    foaf:name "Nicholas J Humfrey" .

So how is this useful..?

<#me> rdfs:seeAlso <http://foaf.qdos.com/forward?path=http://foo.com/blog&ifp>
<#me> rdfs:seeAlso <http://foaf.qdos.com/reverse?path=http://foo.com/blog&ifp>
<#me> rdfs:seeAlso <http://foaf.qdos.com/sameas?path=http://foo.com/blog&ifp>

OpenID Social Verifier (1): http://foaf.qdos.com/verify-about

OpenID Social Verifier (2): http://foaf.qdos.com/verify-demo

How Useful

Validator: http://foaf.qdos.com/validator/

FOAF validator picture

4store: http://4store.org/

4store logo

Future Direction

Name checks

Privacy and Internet Stuff

Semantic Logger / Photocopain Work

Ontomedia Work

FOAF work

More linkage

Get involved